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Monday, 23 March 2020

Psalm 23

Good Morning all,

This won’t be an everyday thing, but this morning I woke up with Psalm 23 on my mind.  I think this was twofold and here is why.  I woke to an email from the amazing company illustrated company who during this time are providing some lovely devotional packs at this time.  This week’s one was about Psalm 23 ready for the fourth week of Lent.

The link for this is:  -  I have just double checked and the link does work.   If you are unsure how to open it.  Double right click and click open hyperlink.

The other thing that spoke was this.  I am sure there are many of us who went to Sunday school in the early days and there we got to learn different Bible verses.  We had a weekly Memory verse and I am sure that many reading this will think,  yes, that was something that we did and we may have taken it for granted.  It was a skill that I wish I had paid more attention to.  We are told in scripture to write these words on our hearts.  ( Deuteronomy 11:18, Proverb 3:3, Proverbs 4:20-27, Proverbs 7: 1-3).  We know that when Jesus was in the desert being tempted (Luke 4: 1-13) – He used the scriptures that He had in his heart against the devil.  He kept praying and talking to His Father in this time.  This is something that at this moment we can do.  We can turn to scripture and learn to hold them in our hearts.  I want this to be something that as a family, I would love to do.  To help  my children to learn the word for themselves.  For some of us today,  we can only dream of a Sunday school – somewhere we can learn these verses and these stories.  Let us today take to our Bibles and read Psalm 23. I am going to be adding it to the Sutton Hill and Woodside page.  A child friendly version and an adult version so that all family members can have a go together. 

Psalm 23

V1.The Lord is my shepherd: I have what I need. -  In these uncertain times,  it may feel like we don’t have what we need.  I know there are a few people I know that because of these times have had to stop work through no fault of their own and worry how they will pay their bills.   Please pray for those who are in this situation.  It is a worrying time for them.

V2.He lets me lie down in green pastures, He leads me besides quiet waters: - In this time of self-isolating and social distancing,  we are allowed to go for walk. Take time to go and look afresh at the creation that God has given to us.  Go and have a walk down by the river and reflect on just what we have been blessed with.  I have seen many posts in this time saying how we are giving Mother nature a rest with no planes and things.  We have been given God’s creation and need to look after it well.

V3. He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake: -  We are being given a rest,  let us take this time to take delight in Him and listen to His voice.  We are human beings – not human doings.  Let us not feel guilty for not running to the next thing or having to keep busy as we might usually do.

V4. Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger; for you are with me; your rod and your staff – they comfort me. -  Right now, we are more than likely scared and worried, we have no idea what lies before us (but then we never do) but we have a confidence that only comes from our Heavenly Father and need to take comfort in this at his time.  “ The rod and the staff refer to the shepherds crook.  The rod is what the sheep passed under when they were counted –and the staff is what used to drive away the wild animals and the things that posed a threat to the sheep.” (Matthew Henry Commentary, pg774).  This is why we can see them as a comfort and not just a piece of wood.  It means that God knows exactly who we are because He has counted us in and is now protecting us.

V5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. God is spending time getting things ready for us.  That things don’t just happen by chance but because it has been designed for us.  He has provided for us in all ways.  In the Old Testament – a king was anointed with oil – they had God’s favour on them and so do we.  Our cup overflows because we have been given more than we can ask for or need.  We are chosen to be called Children of God and have been anointed by Him.

V6. Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live.  We have been called to be faithful servants to our Father.  He only wants the best for us.  Things will not be easy in the coming weeks but can we still say “Lord, I will still love you” ? We have an assurance that we will dwell forever with our Father. 

These are just my thoughts and I appreciate that this may not be something that you would like but I know that in this time, God is speaking to me and I hope and pray that there is something that you will find a little comfort in .  Let us today find a quiet time to reflect on this verse.  Maybe you could try a new thing and write out a verse at a time to learn over this week.  Place it somewhere that you will regularly see it and think about it.  What is God saying to you?  How can we see God working as a shepherd in our lives right now?  Where is He using His crook that maybe you haven’t recognised.  I pray that God would speak into your lives this week.

On another note, this was the first song that came on in our house this morning.  Be blessed.

Love and prayers

Beckie x

Not Just a craft blog anymore...thoughts from day 1 of not going out

I have been thinking of you all at this time and reflecting on what we can do at this time.  I have been adding things to the Sutton Hill and Woodside page if you are on Social Media but I appreciate for some that this is not the case.  I want to be able for many of us to somehow stay connected and for some that will be easier than others.  In this period of time,  I believe we are being asked to “Be still and Know that I am God! – I will be honoured by every nation. I will be honoured throughout the world “ Psalms 46v10.

What does this mean?  How can we make this work if we are home with families?  Please, if you can take a few moments to reflect on this verse.  What is God saying to you in this period of uncertainty? 

These are my musings and thoughts on this verse.  I just want to share them with you and I would love for you to share your thoughts with me. This is something new for me and I do find this all a little daunting. I do Facebook and social media but to the barest limit.  I much prefer face to face contact and to be honest but this is something that I myself have to work through and challenge myself on.  I am going to allow myself to be vulnerable in this and that is not a fun thought.  This is not meant to throw shade on anyone but hopefully set us a challenge.

“The world around us is changing at a remarkable speed.  For some this is a good thing, we try to keep up with the latest trends, materials and latest things.  For others, this is a scary prospect – we don’t want the change,  we like things to stay the same as they have always been.  We have seen on the news how people are panic buying and there isn’t enough stuff to go around.  This should not be the case in today’s day and age but despite this,  when you look around on Facebook and social media,  we are surrounded by people who are wanting to help the vulnerable, those who are having to self-isolate and social distance themselves at this time.  We see posts of people checking on other people – people offering to help when the schools close because they are teachers and want to help.  I myself have struggled with Facebook and how it is used but I am being challenged as to the power of Social media for good.  Yes, I am saying this  and can’t quite believe it.  As we are social distancing ourselves as a family, we want to stay connected to those that we love,  value friendship with and who mean so much to us.  The only way we can do this is through such means as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and by phone.  We are connected by so many ways and surely this can only be a good thing because we do have these relationships.  Relationships that are special because we have that one ultimate relationship in common.  The relationship that our Heavenly Father has given us examples of how we can be doing this.  He sent His son to die for us,  He is in relationship with the Trinity  and He has shown us how to love because He Himself is the essence of love.   How thankful are we for the relationships that we have been blessed with?  How can we nurture the relationships that we have in this difficult time?    Whilst we are having to keep ourselves at a distance from others,  there are going to be many who will struggle,  the children will be home and underfoot and there will be some who are having to juggle many different things all whilst having to stay pretty much on their own.  Please find ways to reach out to our neighbour?  Who is our neighbour? How can we help them? There are no easy answers to this and I am not going to give you any answers as I don’t have them. 

With the world changing at the speed that it is at the moment and the level of uncertainty that we are currently facing – how can we do Church?  How can we be Church?  There are many Churches that will be sharing their services live on Facebook  -   prayer meetings happening live in our own homes.   Musicians who are sharing their concerts with people who are unable to get out.  These are incredible ways of showing compassion and kindness in what is a difficult situation. How can our Church be a light in this situation?  Is there anything we can?   Yesterday, for the very first time,  I did a live on Facebook,  this was by no means anything special but it was a little way to do Messy Church for families who do come to Church and want to know more.  It was a way of engaging and boy did it do that.  From where we may only have 30 at this face to face meeting – we connected with over 150 different people.  This is not about how many likes can I get but it is how can we still share the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ and His message.  It has created a way for people to interact with the activities at their own level and then share them with others.  It is a freedom to explore the stories of the Bible whilst making things.  I will continue to be putting different aspects of worship on to this page.  It may be a prayer,  it may be a song and I would love for others to share songs that mean something to them,  a prayer that may encourage someone else at this difficult time.  It is a Church without walls but that doesn’t mean it is a wall without boundary.  We do need to be careful about what we post and important to remember that people will be brave because we can’t see them physically.  When we open ourselves up in this way,  there will be people who don’t like this and we may be judged or frowned upon because of this but so are so many Christians who are proclaiming Christ is Lord and they were in the early Church too.  Many of us know the story of Paul and Stephen and many others who were beaten and killed because of their faith.  They continued to proclaim.  We really do need to be careful that what we share is God’s word but let us think a little differently about doing and being Church.  Let us be open to how God will speak to us and how we respond.  This is a challenging time for everyone but please know that I am still here, still working and always on the end of an email or a phone if you want someone to speak too or make contact with. 

Again,  a reminder to us to “Be still and know that I  am God”  I believe He want us to be a nation of prayer because there is power in the name of Jesus.  “ Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,  I will hear them from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.  My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place.” 2 Chronicles 7 v 14-15.   I also just want to share this song which has been speaking to me at this time.  We are Children of God and I am a Child of His.”

Please do take care at this time and please keep in touch
